Santa Fe Elevation (Highest & Lowest Point)

Santa Fe is the capital city of New Mexico which is known for its unique adobe architecture, vibrant arts scene and rich history. The city is located near the foothills of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains and gets a higher elevation profile which results in climate with mild to low temperature in summers and winters respectively.

The average elevation of Santa Fe is around 7,199 feet (or 2,194 meters) above sea level, making it one of the highest capital cities in the United States. The high elevation contributes to cool, dry climate, with sunny days, chilly nights, and a remarkable four-season experience in Santa Fe.

Now that you have data for average elevation of Santa Fe, you must also know that you can find the elevation of your current location with our advance tool. We created a tool which uses advanced geolocation technology, Google Maps, and other resources to provide you with real-time elevation data of your location. Click the button below and find your current elevation for free.

Santa Fe Elevation Map (With Highest and Lowest Points)

Highest Point:

The highest point of elevation in Santa Fe city is around 8,720 feet (2,658 meters) which is located Atalaya Mountain. The location is at southeast of the city and has to offer beautiful and stunning views of the Santa Fe city.

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Lowest Point:

The lowest point in Santa Fe elevation profile is at around 6,000 feet (1,829 meters). This lowest elevation point is found near the Santa Fe River. At this point the river descends through the rugged terrain, providing a contrasting landscape to the higher elevations of the city.

Santa Fe Map:

Elevation of Popular Locations in Santa Fe:

  • Downtown Santa Fe: The downtown is located at an elevation of approximately 7,200 feet (2,195 meters), the heart of the city is known for its historic plaza, amazing cultural vibe and a lot more.
  • Canyon Road: This iconic street of Santa Fe is situated at an elevation of around 7,180 feet (2,188 meters) and it is famous for its art galleries and studios.
  • Santa Fe Opera: Located at an elevation of approximately 7,500 feet (2,286 meters), this world-renowned venue offers breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and desert.
  • Museum Hill: It is one of the popular museums location of Santa Fe which is located at about 7,300 feet (2,225 meters). This area is also home to several of Santa Fe’s most notable museums.

Santa Fe has a higher elevation profile without much variations like other cities we discussed earlier. Sangre de Cristo Mountains offers Santa Fe its unique climate and stunning natural beauty. Whether you’re exploring the historic streets or hiking in the mountains, Santa Fe’s elevation offers a distinctive experience for residents and visitors alike.

On our website, we have created different tools which can be used for both educational and utility purpose. You can check our Elevation by Address tool, Pressure at Elevation tool, Boiling Point at Elevation tool, Elevation from Lat & Long tool, Find my Address tool, Find Latitude and Longitude tool, and more!

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