Atmospheric Pressure at Elevation Calculator (Barometric Pressure)

Altitude and Atmospheric Pressure Tool
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What does Atmospheric Pressure at Elevation Calculator do?

On our website – we have created multiple tools which help you in your daily life. This particular tool, as the name suggests, helps you find out the Atmospheric Pressure at your current location.

Our tool utilizes sophisticated geolocation technology, along with Google Maps and additional resources, to deliver instant elevation information simply by detecting your location through your browser. Alternatively, you can input your location manually to find the Atmospheric Pressure at a specific altitude.

You can rely on’s Atmospheric Pressure calculator for precise results. We are confident that the extensive effort invested in this tool will consistently meet your expectations.

What is Atmospheric Pressure?

First things first, what is the atmosphere?

The atmosphere is a layer of gases that surrounds the entire Earth because of the force of gravity exerted by the planet.

Earth and its atmosphere

The gases in the atmosphere have mass. Therefore, gravity pulls them towards the Earth’s surface. And that’s why the gases in the atmosphere create pressure.

The atmospheric pressure of a point is the pressure exerted by the weight of the gases in the environment on a particular area. The standard unit of atmosphere pressure is atm. 1 atm = 101,325 Pascal.

Atmospheric Pressure vs Barometric Pressure vs Air Pressure

Before we proceed, let us answer a common query. People generally ask about the difference between Atmospheric Pressure, Barometric Pressure, and Air Pressure.

Atmospheric Pressure vs Barometric Pressure

Barometric Pressure is the same as Atmospheric Pressure. So, why call it a different word? Well, Atmospheric Pressure is measured by an instrument called a Barometer. That’s a simple reason why it is called Barometric Pressure.

A man using barometer on an elevated platform

Atmospheric Pressure vs Air Pressure

Atmospheric Pressure and Air Pressure are measured with the same units but are used in a different context. Air Pressure is the measurement of Pressure exerted by any gas contained in a system. Atmospheric Pressure is the measurement of Pressure exerted by air in the atmosphere.

You might have noticed when people say ‘air pressure of tire’ or ‘air pressure of compressor.’ The only difference is the context in which both terms are used.

Atmospheric Pressure or Barometric Pressure at Elevation

Now that you know what atmospheric pressure or barometric pressure exactly is, let us understand how atmospheric pressure changes with elevation or altitude.

Let’s recall the definition of atmospheric pressure. It is the weight of air at a point per unit area.

The density of air is higher on the surface of the earth, and as you are up in the atmosphere, the quantity of the gases decreases. That is why the atmospheric pressure decreases with an increase in altitude, as there is less gas to put pressure on.

atmosphere pressure and barometer

Atmospheric Pressure vs Altitude

Let us understand the atmospheric pressure with some nerdy stuff. The atmospheric pressure at an altitude can be expressed by the barometric formula –Barometric formula

In the formula,

Barometric formula

This formula shows how Atmospheric Pressure at a location is inversely proportional to the height. That means, that as the elevation increases, the atmospheric pressure decreases.

You can also check the Atmospheric Pressure vs Altitude graph which is the relationship between two parameters. Read more about it here.

Atmospheric Pressure at Elevation Calculator

Different Atmospheric Pressure at Elevation & Altitude

– Atmospheric pressure at Sea Level

At sea level, the standard atmospheric pressure is 101.325 kPa (kilopascals), or 1 atm (atmosphere), which is equivalent to 760 mmHg (millimeters of mercury).

– Atmospheric pressure on Mount Everest

The atmospheric pressure on Mount Everest varies with weather conditions and seasonal changes, but it is significantly lower than at sea level due to the altitude. It averages about one-third of sea level pressure, around 33.7 kPa or 0.333 atm.

– Atmospheric pressure at Titanic Depth

The RMS Titanic sank to a depth of about 3,800 meters. Pressure increases by approximately 1 atm for every 10 meters of water depth, so the pressure at the Titanic’s depth would be around 380 atm, which is approximately 38,522 kPa.

– Atmospheric pressure at Dead Sea

Dead Sea and its atmosphere

The Dead Sea is located at the lowest land elevation on Earth, at roughly 430 meters below sea level. The atmospheric pressure here is slightly higher than standard sea level pressure, approximately 106 kPa or 1.045 atm.

– Atmospheric pressure on Mars

Mars has a thin atmosphere, with a surface pressure of about 0.6 kPa or 0.005 atm, which is less than 1% of Earth’s mean sea level pressure.

– Atmospheric pressure on Venus

Venus has an extremely dense atmosphere, with a surface pressure of about 9,300 kPa or 91.7 atm, or about 92 times that of Earth’s sea level pressure.

– Atmospheric pressure on Earth

As mentioned before, the standard atmospheric pressure at sea level on Earth is 101.325 kPa or 1 atm

– Atmospheric pressure on Jupiter

Jupiter and its atmosphere

Jupiter is a gas giant with no solid surface, so the pressure within its atmosphere increases rapidly with depth. The atmospheric pressure becomes immense, reaching over 1,000 times that of Earth’s atmospheric pressure in the visible cloud layers.

– Atmospheric pressure on Mercury

Mercury has a very thin exosphere, and thus, virtually no atmosphere to speak of. The surface pressure is less than 0.0000000001 atm, essentially a vacuum.

– Atmospheric pressure on Titan

Titan, one of Saturn’s moons, has a substantial atmosphere with a surface pressure of about 146.7 kPa or 1.44 atm, which is about 1.45 times that of Earth’s sea level pressure.

– Effect of atmospheric pressure on human body

When the atmospheric pressure deviates significantly from the norm, such as at high altitudes or depths, the body can experience various effects. At high altitudes, the reduced pressure can lead to hypoxia (lack of oxygen), altitude sickness, and in severe cases, high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) or high-altitude cerebral edema (HACE). At depths, increased pressure can lead to nitrogen narcosis and decompression sickness (the bends) upon ascent.

– What level of barometric pressure causes joint pain

A man experiencing knee pain on high elevation

People with joint conditions such as arthritis report increased pain when the barometric pressure drops, as often happens before bad weather. The decrease in pressure can allow body tissues to expand, which might increase pressure on the joints and exacerbate pain. This sensitivity varies from person to person, and the exact mechanisms are not fully understood.

– Barometric pressure on sinuses

Changes in barometric pressure, especially when it drops, can lead to sinus discomfort for some individuals. The theory is that a decrease in external pressure can cause a difference between the pressure in the sinuses and the atmospheric pressure, potentially leading to sinus pain, headaches, and other discomforts. This is because the sinuses are air-filled spaces in the skull, and they can be sensitive to pressure changes, with symptoms varying among individuals.

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